Counter Strike Mega

Counter-Strike Online is a free multiplayer first-person shooter where terrorists and counter-terrorists are trying to kill each other using different weapons. Counter-Strike was released in 2000 and involves the fight between two opposing teams of players. NAME: Counter Strike Global SIZE: 2.86GB Counter Strike Global Offensive Install Notes: 1: Click the Download button, you must use chrome and have the MEGA extension installed, which you can get here 2: Extract to Counter Strike Global Offensive 3: Run the setup 4:Once Counter Strike is installed, download the CS-GOpatchV-39. Counter strike 1.6 full game - play game without lag Proposed by us free counter-strike 1.6 instal game require minimum of your computer resources therefore, that the exe file size takes up only 250 MB of hard disk space. Such a small file size, does not have significant impact on your computer’s settings. Counter strike 1.6 is the OG classic shooter that everyone loves. It’s a game that inspired generations of FPS enthusiasts, and, even now, many modern FPS titles build on this Titan and try to mimic the gameplay while adding in their own flair. But, for that raw shooter experience, Counter-Strike 1.6 is the way to go. As in the original, Counter-Strike: Source pits a team of counter-terrorists against a team of terrorists in a series of rounds. Each round is won either by completing an objective (such as detonating a bomb or rescuing hostages) or by eliminating all members of the enemy team.

We would like to offer you Cs 1.6 clean edition.

This collection is the official analogue of the Counter-Strike 1.6 steam version with bots.

This cs 1.6 clean English edition includes original models, sounds and designs.

Counter Strike Mega

This Counter-strike 1.6 assembly has all the benefits of the licensed version of the game, including the static STEAM_ID.

This assembly is also distinguished by its stability and smooth operation.

You will easily notice the benefits of this clean version when comparing it with similar non-steam versions.

This clean assembly does not drop out in the licensed counter-strike version 1.6 in any aspect.


This version is even better than the licensed version.

The main advantage of this assembled game is the powerful protection of the game’s client.

Due to this protection mechanism, this cs 1.6 is completely protected against any external factors, such as advertising, auto connecting.

Game features:

Models of the official gameplay (Steam);

Bots (control: button “H”);

Work with Windows 7, 8, 8.1, 10, XP, Vista operating systems;

Protocol 47-48;

Burglar and adware protection.

Minimum system requirements:

Processor 500 MHz;

Operative memory 64 MB RAM;

Video card with 16 MB memory capacity;

500 MB of available hard disk space;

Internet connection;

Keyboard, mouse;

Sound card.

Recommended system requirements:

Processor 800 MHz;

32 MB video card;

Internet connection;

Counter-strike Megaxus

Keyboard, mouse;

Sound card.

SetupDownloadCounter strike mega edition

Counter-strike Mega Edition Download

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Counter Strike Mega Edition

How to download and install a fully working cs 1.6 game